The Birthday Girl
My cell (Keypers) with Gloria
(L-R) Aarksara, Elizabeth and Rachael
(L-R) Yvonne, Rachael, Elizabeth and Justin
(L-R) Elizabeth and Rachael
Benson's 21st party @ Nedlands Golf Club ( 19th April 2008)
The birthday boy
(L-R) Michelle, Yvonne, Elizabeth and Rachael
(L-R) Yvonne, Olivia, Benson, Elizabeth, Michelle and Rachael
(L-R) Chester, Yvonne, Rachael, Olivia, Elizabeth, Michelle and Aunchisa
(L-R) Rachael, Yong, Michelle, Elizabeth and Yvonne
(L-R) Stanley, Elizabeth, Yvonne and Rachael
(L-R) Aunchisa, Elizabeth and Yvonne
Cheers for now. Will post more pictures soon. Love to all!:)