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Friday, May 1
Blogging Hiatus.

I will be taking a longer-than expected break from this blog because of the upcoming exams. I have tests which counts as final exams two weeks from Monday and have some remaining assignments to pass up. My law papers will then be on the 30th of May and 1st of June respectively. I will be back blogging then, presumably. Hopefully, I am able to squeeze in some time to blog, but at the present moment it doesn't look like it is possible.

Would love to hear from you guys. Drop a couple of lines on this blog, if its short its alright. I know you are all busy people at this moment. My personal blog is the:

I will most probably be blogging there for a longer period, let's say may two or three more times before the exam period start. Till then, ciao/auf weidersin/bon journee/adios/ka kite ano!:)


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