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Wednesday, March 4
the new academic year...

n here we r in the midst of a new semester of education... for some, its their 2nd year, for others, its only their 1st (ME!)... for a few others as well, they're still in college (u all noe yrself)... bottom line is tht its a new semester tht means new endeavours n issue n assignments n shit... i hope every1 will be able to handle the mess n pressure since its been like this for the past year...

anyways, so my classes have start'd alredy... alredy saw a few familiar faces from Malaysia... some from my skool n if u pips remember the girl from L1, the tall n chun wan, Crystal, yeap, she's in my lects... wahahaha... i see someting blossoming... nyehehehe... but of course, tht is if i gte to approach her lah... too many ppl lah... damn hard... ishhh...

anyways, so i've made like 2 new frens so far... 1 Indon-Malaysian by the name Rizki... awesome rite his name... hahaha... nice guy, DON HAVE MALAY accent when speaking English... thts the most important thing man... anyways, then the other guy is a Singaporean... haih, i don noe lah wats with me n Singaporeans lah... i just hope this guy is not as bad as the Singaporean girl from my previous class... but a bit hard lah, the fella MU fan lah... - -' ishhh... anyways lah... so far he seems pretty decent... we'll see...

bla bla bla... then 2day actually spoke to 2 more fella, locals... 1 is a Vietnamese girl who's been living here her whole life... not too bad, pretty pretty... hahaha... then the other fella is a pondan fella... wahhh, damn pondan man... his voice damn pondan... really ah... damn freaky... @.@' anyways lah... so far classes have been pretty boring n easy lah... nothing big yet... altho i alredy have my 1st assignment lah... reading log...- -' so yea, 2morrow i got day off so i'm gonna sleep in... yehhh... but my class a bit crapp lah... most of them oso 930am wan... so i've to wake u damn early to catch the train lor... - -' the other day nearly die man... damn hard torun when its cold...

ocay, so thts about it lah... thts like a short update bout me lah... how's every1 else... hopefully u all doing better lah... when u guys gonna come Melb for visit lah... denggg...- -' i going back KL in mid June... yahoooi!!!... ocay lah... toodles...

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