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Friday, February 8
::From the Land of Kangaroos, Koalas, Echindas, Emus and Quokkas::

I sit here in the Murdoch University Library, giving you this update LIVE and DIRECT from Perth,Australia. No, don't get me wrong, class for me has not still started. I am just taking advantage of the wonderful internet facilities that I have and can use here, while I wait for my own internet to be connected. Seriously, it takes 15 days for the internet to be connected here in Australia? On the downside, the internet companies here do not give unlimited broadband and there is a maximum bandwidth that can be used. Well, I am exaggarating la, they do have unlimited broadband but its seriously very costly. Like on average AUD 150? In KL, Streamyx unlimited can cost only RM 66. Mobile phones costs, also are really expensive, like the package I am on, I pay AUD 19 a month and I get AUD 50 worth of credit each month and a free phone. But then again, you pay 47 cents for 30 seconds and there is a flagfall for each call you make which is additional 35 cents. Note, all this costs are quoted in AUD. An national SMS is 25 cents and an international SMS is 35 cents. If you guys complain about the mobile in Malaysia being so expensive, when you come here, you would be so thankful for the rates we pay in Malaysia, which is dirt cheap!

Other than that, life in Australia, seems quite relaxing. No more hustle and bustle, and it a very good city to live in. Seriously, I think you live longer here than you do if you live in Malaysia. The weather has been seriously hot cos it is summer right now, but yesterday (Wednesday), it was raining the whole day. It has not rained for 6 months before that, whereas Brisbane and Sydney have been raining practically everyday. Here there is no mamaks, shops closes at 5 pm and they dont open on Sunday. Chinese New Year is much quieter than what it is in Malaysia. But there is no pollution and life is less stressful. Even my sister who is going to school in Perth, shares the same view. Life is more balanced, if I may say. It rained so hard that it exceeded the monthly rainfall by 20 percent.

My orientation starts on Monday, the 11th. And classes here start on the 19th of February. It is hot next week, like high 30s. The university here is ultra-big and there is a lot more space. We even have a farm on site ( for the Veterniary Science) students. We have a lot of parklands, rivers and trees. When you come from Taylor's where it is so cramped at all, the size of Murdoch University is gargantuan.

I have to go for now, and I will update you guys later. Hope to keep in touch and Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone from the Land Down Under. If you want to contact me in Perth, my number is 0422381181 ( within Australia) and +61422381181 ( from Kuala Lumpur). Miss you guys alot......


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