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Sunday, December 9
How To Make Yourself Hot.

Lets face it. Everyone wants to be hot. I just got back from Singapore a few days back and when i compare the men over there and here, i've gotta say that they beat us anytime. I've taken the initiative to actually study their bodies and personalities for a perfect guide to being a hot ass. This guide should do the trick. Feel free to add to it if you girls or guys want to.

1. Dress properly
Most of you guys don't actually take the initiative to dress up like how girls do. Know your body shape and how to dress accordingly to complement your body. Fat guys should wear darker clothes and a lil' baggy. Dark colours deceive the eye into making big things look small and the loose fit is to hide the belly or man tits. Thin guys should wear lighter and more baggy clothes to make themselves appear bigger. Ever wondered why nigger wear white and extremely baggy clothes ? It's for that intimidating look. Oh and if you don't have a buffed/lean body let alone the smallest shape of it, please don't wear sleeveless clothes or singlets out into public. You'll look like a weiner coz' you have nothing to display but bones. ( My stint in Singapore led me to conclude that Malaysian guys can't dress for nuts. Period)

2. Get a cologne
Smelling nice is another appealing trait. Generally we don't like smelly or detergent smell emitting people. You can get a basic CK cologne for RM150. But get it in small 50ml bottles because the smell runs out after a month or two. Use the proper cologne for the occasion. If you're meeting women, use au de parfume colognes .They're musty and it kinda manly. It's au de toilette for men coz' the smell is less concentrated and has a more girly smell to it. ( Your BO ain't nice to smell even though the Discovery Channel says otherwise)

3. Know a pick up line or ice breaker
If you're hot, it means that you're the type of guy that'll get invited to alot of gatherings or parties. It's this time where you strut your stuff and meet new people. You can't be a hottie and a stiff at the same time. Hot people are generally outgoing and friendly to everyone. So know a pick up line or two like ' Hey you seem pretty cool. Can i hang out with you?' or ' I pretty dead when i dance alone. Care to dance with me?'. Notice that the lines i use here aren't those perky ones complementing girls on how good they look. It's simple and works on guys and girls. Except the second one. Being hot would also mean that you won't have trouble making friends with either sexes. ( I find Malaysian guys very shy and stiff. Countless of times have i gone for parties and actually try to get to know some of these guys but they just stick with their cliques. C'mon breakaway from that comfort zone. I know i did.)

4. Learn how to move your body or in simpler terms . . . DANCE !!
If you're good looking, that's a point. If you can dance, you can have the entire club to yourself. Naturally people find others that can dance interesting. I'm not complementing myself by saying that just because i dance but even i find dancers amusing which makes me wanna know them. It's just the aura generated when you move your body to the rhythm. So i'll have to say that if you wanna be hot, you should atleast have the ability to follow the beat and maybe show some peacocking moves. But keep in mind that if you're dancing in a controlled area like a club, please refrain yourself from doing any move which makes your hands flail like an ape and your legs go as high as your head. You'll just look like an overgrown chimp high on K. ( Shuffling is a fucked up dance style because . . . .Theere's no style. Learn the upcoming dance genre of house. Check Youtube for house dancing and you'll see how sexy it is.)

5. Confidence
You can wear the most expensive Zara outfits and drive the latest BMW's but if you're gonna walk and act like Smeagol from LOTR, i'm just gonna give you a hard smack on the face. It's very common that men portray a very slouchy and lazy character to others. It's proven. Just look at how Lala Bengs walk and dress. Pink polo shirt with that FUCKED up hair do which is a cross between emo and punk, shoulders bent inwards like they've got osteoperosis a legs dragging. Now that kinda character ain't gonna land you a job more or less get laid. People call you hot because you've actually showed your personality in a way that people just get stunned by it or go WOW. When you talk, talk with energy and don't stutter. Know what you're going to say and PLEASE use proper English. Your tone should be one which is enough to get peoples attention but not shout at them. You should hold eye contact with the person you're talking to and stand your ground. Walking should be done with your chest up and stomach flattened. Heels to the ground first and don't drag your feet. That way, you'll look like you're walking with confidence and you know what you're doing. It's sad seeing how people neglect these petty things that actually control the way people look at them. ( What i wrote is actually the traits most Singaporean men have. Probably coz' of the NS back there.)

Last but not least, i would consider a person hot not because he/she claims they're hot but because he/she is hot without even trying. It's the persona they have which they're totally blind to but it's one we can see. So to . . . whoever claiming they're hot, sorry la but hotness just comes naturally without effort. Everyone can have buffed bodies but not everyone can have a likeable and open personality. YOu can try though with the 5 simple steps i've laid out.

(P/s: My little expedition to Singapore has actually opened my eyes to men and women in generak . Probably due to my constant observative and comparative mind between Malaysians and Singaporeans.)

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