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Friday, August 10

As many of you peeps know. I love b-boying. Not just that but dancing in general. It's mainly because i fully show my true self while dancing. No holds barred and a sudden burst of energy. What more, you get some hot girls watching you and you'll do some things you never knew you could do.

It's actually b-boying and not break dancing.

I started off b-boying last early November 2006. Before that, i did a lil' hip hop but wasn't too serious about it. When i watched my first Battle of The Year showcase ( in 2005), i was immediately strucked by it. That showcase was from Ichigeki, a Japanese crew. I would never forget that one particular showcase. One of a kind. Here's the showcase.

Ichigeki ( P/s : Prince is the dude below the guy in green to the left.)

Since then, i've been practising on my own and now . There was little i could do coz' i didn't the proper techniques for doing some moves. Finally, i decided to join Urban Groove.

Then again, i doubt many people actually know what b-boying is all about. The common perception is people that do moves which involves spinning on your head or flying around with your legs wide open. LOL b-boying is much more than that. It's about your style, rhythm and going with the flow of the music. It may take an athlete to break dance. But it takes a true artist to be a b-boy. Even within the b-boying community, b-boys are separated into styleheads and powerheads. Stylehead being people with sick footwork and powerheads are thme peeps flying around.

Today, my style is inspired by many b-boys but not to the extent that i copy them 100%. Some is from my instructor, Mr. Raymond , some from other prominent b-boys in the international scene like Born from Korea and Ronnie from USA. Mainly, i'm trying to blend my style more to that of b-boy Prince from Japan. People call it the 'fish out of water' style. But it simply looks like he's having a seizure. To you, it may look like like something not-so-sane-people-would-do but to me, it's one of a kind.

Wild and clean. The only way i can explain his style. Most styleheads seen around often emphasize more on basic footwork with different derivations. Prince's style is more towards movement following the music and should i say . . vibrations. LOl Here's a video compilation of b-boy Prince's battles and performances.

Although i don't personally know Prince, his style has pretty much inspired me to be more that i can be in b-boying. Not to just stay in the common standing and do what everyone does but instead use my own style and blossom from it. An inspiration, he was.

So now, what/who inspires you ?

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